How to Pray

How to Pray   Prayer can be the place you find peace, forgiveness, strength, and access to God. Prayer is the source for strength, peace and direction in life. I want to show you how to pray like that. Fill out the form and I will show you how 15 minutes will...

40 Conversation Starters with your family

40 Conversation Starters For Your Family   If even for one meal a week, you and your family gathered around a table, that would be 939 times for 18 years for kids are at home. 939 set apart moments to connect with your kids! And research shows how beneficial this...

God’s 8 Covenant Promises

God’s 8 Covenant Promises   God has so much blessing He wants to pour into your life. He wants you to flourish in everyway. Jesus said, “I came that you might have life and have it to the full.” In fact the promises are in His Name. Fill out the...

3 Things That Keep You From Hearing God’s Voice

3 Things That Keep You From Hearing God’s Voice   As a pastor, I often get asked “why can’t I hear God’s voice.”  So I put together a couple free downloads that explain what keeps you from hearing from God and 3 things that make it...

5 Simple Ways to Wreck Your Relationship

5 Simple Ways to Wreck Your Relationship   Relationships are hard! Two imperfect people from different backgrounds, with different family systems, and different needs are coming together. The first little while goes great but once the initial excitement is over...