40 Conversation Starters For Your Family
If even for one meal a week, you and your family gathered around a table, that would be 939 times for 18 years for kids are at home. 939 set apart moments to connect with your kids! And research shows how beneficial this time is for your kids (less likelihood of addiction and obesity, better at handling stress, more confident– the list goes on)
Its more than the food, its the conversation.
I put together 40 conversation cards for you to use (for any age!) to be a fun, easy way to help get the dinner table conversations flowing!
~Pastor B
Watch this 8 minute video to discover if Vibrant could be your new home church.
Live a Better Story!
Vibrant Church is a Bible believing, Spirit Filled Church with a heart to reach people far from God. We are all about helping people know God, find great friends, and help parents raise great kids.

Come as you are!
Dress is casual. Services is about 75 minutes long. Our kids ministry safe, clean and fun. We teach kids the Bible on a level where they can understand it and have a lot of fun. Whether you are new to the whole church thing or you have been in church your whole life, we put the cookies on the bottom shelf so everyone can reach one.

Service Times
Sundays at 10:00 AM
Sundays at 11:30 AM
Indian Ridge Middle School
1355 S Nob Hill Rd
Davie, FL 33324
Send an email here
Text 754.399.0944